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Terms of Service

  • It is expected that the customer reads the Terms of Service. In addition, once the payment has been sent, the customer is acknowledging that they agree to the terms below. 

  • I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason.

  • My commission status will always be stated on the Commission Information page of this website. Openings and closings of my commissions will always be announced on my twitter page.

  • Displayed prices are generally accurate to each commission, however complex designs, additional props, etc, may incur an additional charge.

  • Visual reference is heavily preferred over written descriptions. However, if drawn visual references are not available, I am willing to accept photo references for items, clothing and/or species. Please note if the latter is the case, I will need a detailed written description in order to portray your character correctly.

  • I do not accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

  • I do not consent to my artwork being sold as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). In doing so it will be in violation of copyright law.

  • I do not, and will not, implement the use of Artificial Intelligence at any stage in my art process.

Will Draw

  • Humans/Humanoids;

  • Anthros/Furries;

  • Animals;

  • Pets;

  • Pokemon;

  • Partial, nonsexualised nudity (incl. female presenting breasts);

  • Mild blood and gore;

  • Fanart;

  • LGBTQ+ characters;

  • Characters with mobility aids;

  • Mechanical limbs (with reference);

  • Original characters;

  • DnD characters.

Won't Draw

  • NSFW;

  • Genitals;

  • Mecha/Machinery;

  • Man made structures (backgrounds);

  • Hateful material;

  • Fetish material;

  • Real people;

  • Lolis/Shotas (sexualised characters with youthful proportions).


  • Invoices will be in Australian Dollars (AUD). Please note that the displayed USD price on the Prices page may not be accurate due to currency exchange rate shifts. Please check the current conversion rate before commissioning me to clear any possible confusion.

  • Payment is 100% upfront. Split payments are not available.

  • I will only commence drawing once the payment is received.

  • All payments are made via PayPal. 

  • Unless otherwise stated, extra characters are 100% the cost of the initial character.​

  • As stated previously I do not, under any circumstances, accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

 Additional charges may be incurred if the artwork includes;

  • complex character design;

  • winged characters (only for non-avian animals);

  • complex outfits;

  • props of any complexity;

  • anything that the artist deems difficult and would increase the production time.

Process and Turnaround

  • The expected turnaround of an artwork may vary depending on the artist's availability. The general expected turnaround time is 1-2 weeks. However, if something is anticipated to extend this time, the artist will inform the customer ASAP.​​

  • Once the payment is received, the artist will begin the sketching the commission. Once the sketch is complete, the artist will send the WIP to the customer for approval. The customer may critique the progress at this stage and make as many major changes as they desire.

  • Once a sketch is settled on, the artist will being the inking stage. A WIP may be requested for this stage. If so, the customer may only make 2 or 3 minor changes to the artwork.

  • After the inking is complete and approved, the artist will colour. Once the colouring is complete, the customer may no longer make any more changes to the artwork besides minor colour changes.

  • Once the shading is complete, no changes can be made.

  • If the background is complex, the artist will include a sketch in the initial sketch stage. The customer may request changes at this stage.

  • Once the background is being worked on, the customer may request 2 major edits and 3 minor edits. Since backgrounds are painterly, the artist will send multiple works in progress in order to keep the customer updated.

  • Once the artwork is complete, the artist will send the customer a Google Drive link to the full-sized image and any alternate versions that may exist.

  • The artist may then request whether the customer is okay with the artwork being posted on the artist's social media profiles.

Rights of The Artist and Customer

  • The artist reserves all rights to the commissioned artworks. This includes the rights to use on their website and social media at their own discretion. However, the customer is allowed to request that the commissioned artwork is kept private.

  • The process of the commissioned artwork can be streamed and/or recorded for uploading to YouTube. The customer will be notified of the latter, to make sure they are comfortable with the process being public.

  • The customer may re-post the artwork with adequate credit (tagging the artist, or linking back to the artist's twitter /instagram/portfolio).

  • Resale of the artwork is accepted; so long as it is not sold for any price higher than the initial cost and is associated with a character that is being sold. However the artist does not condone the use of cryptocurrency in this situation.

  • The customer may request modifications to the artwork (within reason) during the process of creating the piece. Once the artwork is complete, only minor changes may be made.

  • The artist may refuse additional changes to an artwork if they deem it not within reason, or the customer has requested too many adjustments.

  • The customer may discuss with the artist about making their own edits to an artwork.

  • The customer may request full rights to the artwork. If this is the case, the artist is obliged to discuss royalties with the customer.

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